A Brand is NOT What You Say It Is …

It’s what your customers say it is.

Linda M. Lopeke
1 min readFeb 26, 2022

Are you committed to building a strong brand?

A brand is not what you say it is, it’s what your customers say it is. A brand is not a logo, identity, or product. It’s a person’s gut feeling about your product, service, you and your business.

Brand shapes and reflects our quest for meaning in our lives. And brand’s meaning exists in peoples’ minds.

To put it simply: Your brand is what you/your product stand for. Expressed in emotional shorthand.


1. a logo or slogan (these are your signatures)
2. your mission statement (this is a reminder)
3. a book, product or service (these are the tangibles)
4. trademarks (these are legal properties)
5. advertising (it only delivers your message)

You will never regret investing in building a strong brand! It serves you for years to come by attracting your perfect people to you, adding value to your business and reputation, and helping you leave a legacy.

