How Women Devalue Themselves in Their Marketing
And why you don’t want to be that person!

The phrase “boss babe,” and similar titles like “girl boss,” “boss bitch,” “lady boss”, “sexy boss,” “fempreneur,” “mompreneur” and “SheEO” devalue the idea of women being powerful in a business context.
We don’t see men marketing themselves on social media with hashtags like #boyboss. Just being a man is often seen as synonymous with leadership. Of course they’re their own bosses. Nothing special here.
But a lady boss? That deserves its own label ― one that reminds us women can’t celebrate their accomplishments without also acknowledging their gender weakness. And many women make this situation worse by voluntarily taking on the “boss babe” label!
Look up “boss babe” in the Urban Dictionary; you’ll find a not-so-flattering definition: A woman who pretends to be a business owner, an entrepreneur or a sales woman.
That annoying lady who never stops posting about a “great new opportunity” who tends to sell poor quality products/programs and faux expertise for exorbitant prices often using excessive emojis and hashtags in posts and communications.
Don’t be that person!
If gaining independence through entrepreneurship is a goal you want to pursue, invest in the education, resources and expert guidance needed to grow a hustle-free, asset-based business fueled with strategic marketing.
The future is yours. Dream big. Do small. Act now! Step into your power.